ASCOT & MAIDENHEAD SCHOOL SPORT PARTNERSHIP PRIMARY DANCE FESTIVAL AT THE MAGNET LEISURE CENTRE - WEDS 11TH AND THURS 12TH FEB  1.00 - 2.45pm MAGNET LEISURE CENTRE - if your child is taking part in this fantastic event with their school - did you know that this year there are more tickets available to parents, due to the children not sitting in seats this year!! we want to make sure that all parents, family & friends are aware of this.

To make it easier for parents to buy additional tickets they can do any of the following:

1. Call Ascot & Maidenhead School Sport Partnership ansaphone on 01628 762547, and leave a message. Someone will be get in touch to explain how to buy their tickets

2. E mail

3. Visit on the following dates & times ONLY - Desborough College Main Reception & ask for Jacqui Morris for Dance Festival Tickets , in Maidenhead on Monday 9th February between 10.30 - 4pm

hope you enjoy the show

Jane Douglass Artistic Director SSP